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im miss endless...i love my self..i loves IT..i loves computers...

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


miss^endless...How I did it: i realised that no matter what, i do love myself. i love the things that i do for other people, and if i continue to do things to help others ...
    I Wish I could....

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    updated murai


    I made this widget at MyFlashFetish.com.

    cbox IS THE BEST :D

    Thursday 10 September 2009

    Father: I want you to marry a girl of my choice
    Son: 'I will choose my own bride!'
    Father: 'But the girl is Bill Gates's daughter.'
    Son: 'Well, in that case....ok'

    Next Father approaches Bill Gates.
    Father: 'I have a husband for your daughter.'
    Bill Gates: 'But my daughter is too young to marry!'
    Father: 'But this young man is a vice-president of the World Bank.'
    Bill Gates: 'Ah, in that case...ok'

    Finally Father goes to see the president of the World Bank.
    Father: 'I have a young man to be recommended as a vice-president.'
    President: 'But I already have more vice- presidents than I need!'
    Father: 'But this young man is Bill Gates's son-in-law.'
    President: 'Ah, in that case...ok'

    This is how business is done!!
    Moral: Even If you have nothing, You can get Anything. But your attitude
    should be positive

    What is Marketing?

    You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
    You go up to her and say, 'I am very rich. Marry me!'
    That's Direct Marketing

    You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl.
    One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says, 'He's very
    rich. Marry him.'
    That's Advertising.

    You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
    You go up to her and get her telephone number.
    The next day you call and say, 'Hi, I'm very rich. Marry me...'
    That's Telemarketing

    You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl.
    You get up and straighten your tie; you walk up to her and pour her a
    You open the door for her, pick up her bag after she drops it, offer her
    a ride, and then say, 'By the way, I'm very rich 'Will you marry me?'
    That's Public Relations

    You're at a party and see a gorgeous girl.
    She walks up to you and says, 'You are very rich, I want to marry you.'
    That's Brand Recognition

    You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
    You go up to her and say, 'I'm rich. Marry me'
    She gives you a nice hard slap on your face.
    That's Customer Feedback


    Friday 8 May 2009
    Di sebuah sekolah rendah Kg Melaka seorang guru sedang
    mengajar mata
    pelajaran matematik. Tiap kali dia mengajar, dia tengoksalah
    seorang anak murid dia asyik meludah dekat tapak tangan kemudian gosok dekat kepala.
    Hari-hari guru ni perhatikan tabiat anak muridnya itu, satu hari dia tanya.

    Guru: Atan! datang depan sini.
    Atan: saya datang cikgu.
    Guru: tiap kali saya mengajar, saya lihat awak ludah tapak
    tangan kemudian sapu dekat kepala awak, mengapa awak buat macam tu?
    Atan: saya tak faham matematik cikgu !! saya buat macam ni
    supaya apa yang cikgu ajar senang masuk dalam otak saya.
    Guru: siapa yang ajar Atan macam tu?
    Atan: emak saya, cikgu.
    Guru: apa yang emak cakap?
    Atan: cikgu, bila malam saya tidor dengan ayah dan emak saya,
    lampu semua tutup, saya dengar emak saya cakap dengan Ayah
    Guru: ????????????


    26.04.2009 (Wedding Day) Part 2
    Tuesday 28 April 2009

    Frens on that day... Dk Anne, Gdah, Nonny, Lucy and family, Humul and daughter, Nani and my luvly daugther.
    All posing with us... Happy face huh.....

    still posing at home. Control beb!!


    26.04.2009 (Wedding Day) part 1

    Bride's Name: Masriani Binti Mohd Husaini

    Groom's Name: Wan Abd Hakim Bin Wan Sekran

    Wedding Date: 26 April 2009

    Venue: Masjid Kg Penapar

    Time: 10:00 am

    Joyful face surrounded by families and frens

    Saat-saat genting.. Luckily everything going smooth.


    You know you are Bruneian..........
    Wednesday 22 April 2009
    1. You 'miss call' instead of calling or sending sms.

    2. You always say "kapih ku.. bila terima/keluargaji/overtime/elaun ah?"

    3. You park your car as close as possible to your destinationarea.

    4. You speak Malaysia if you meet Malaysian, speak Indonesia ifyou meet Indonesian.. and so on.

    5. You are asked to go to a "meeting" but actually you will onlybe "listening".

    6. You go to someone's wedding, you give money using an envelopeand put your name on it or if you think you don't give enough you useablank envelope.

    7. Indo mee is your staple food and Ayamku is your fastfood.

    8. The term 'balik kampung' is almost not applicable.. since youcan 'balik kampung' everyday.

    9. Motorcyles and bicycles are not your transport, they are yoursport.

    10. When you see local tv camera around you during the day, then atnight you will watch local news... and hoping to see yourself ontelevision.

    11. You drive your car on wavy and potholed road.

    12. You receive official news faster by mean of "mouth" than by"written".

    13. You like electronic products from Japan.

    14. If you have the chance to call a radio show and before you areasked to hang-up, you say 'boleh minta putarkan lagu?'

    15. You are in BIG debts and refuse to pay the lenders and yet stilldrive a CLK and live in a mansion.

    16. You wear baju kurung with large katoks and maniks all over.

    17. You are loud and speak in melandih way.

    18. You and the whole family have the same car plate numbers.

    19. You spend your $$$$$ on your wedding even though you are broke.

    20. You become Akademi Fantasia fanatics. 21. You know most of the people here - "eh si anak si anu eh saudarasi blabla".

    22. You drive to the shop next door even though the shop is only 100meters away (except maybe in Kampung Ayer).

    23. Every year, since the 80s until last year, you don't want not tomiss HM's Birthday Titah (because you are hoping that HM will increaseyour salary).

    24. When you want to get some service from the government agencies,you will find your saudara first.

    25. If something goes wrong, you will say that one of the datos,pehins is your relative (or at least they know you).

    26. You cannot live without Brudirect's HYS.

    27. You give you children super long name.

    28. You rush to a new shopping mall just to beat everybody else eventhough it's just another Hua Ho.

    29. You wave your hand while driving to other drivers that you know. 3

    0. You are able to pay (or not) for one or two amahs who are mostlikely an Indonesian or a Filipino.

    31. You are ok to be fat.

    32. You are a busy body with other peoples' news, especially the badones, and you think your responsibility is to know and to spread itaround.

    33. Your friends get married on the same day and you don't know whotogo to. 34. You like to st
    are at phones for 24 hours and chat on MSN.

    35. You say "Mun paham bisai" (this needs no further explaination) .

    36. You have to wear 'cool' attire everywhere, even on holidays.

    37. You add "BUI" on each sentence.

    38. You think exercising, being hyper active, competition are forlittle kids.

    39. You can't type or spell properly properly, example "hw r u? hy mynme s si org brnui"

    40. You add "me & you" on your converstations with your girl mates.

    41. You listen to Pelangi, Kristal, Pilihan FM.

    42. You think fake Von Dutch products are the best.

    43. You are especially racist to Indian/Indon/Thai workers.

    44. You would rather go to shopping malls than hanging out at parks,having a picnic with your friends.

    45. You have 'candas' in your house.

    46. You read this blogsite because all your friends are reading itandyou don't want to be left behind.

    47. You rush to get a $99 handphone not caring about the limitedfeatures coz you think anything cheap is a bargain.

    48. You have two handphones - one for DST and the other for BMobile(for one month and then switch off one or the other).

    49. You always try to runding the policemen who caught you speeding.


    Friday 6 February 2009

    Me at consumer fair at ICC.

    Sampat g posing tu dapan booth hehehhee....


    Newborn Niece
    Newborn baby of my luvly sister. Muahz muahz

    Ixora, Me and...........